How to Write Legal Blogs That Attract Clients

How to Write Legal Blogs

How to Write Legal Blogs That Attract Clients: Leave the Legalese at the Courthouse

We get it; you've studied for years to become fluent in the esoteric language of legalese. But when it comes to blogging, you have to drop the "herein," "aforementioned," and "pursuant to" faster than a hot potato. Why? Because you're writing for real people and not just for the clerk, who’s forced to read your memos. Welcome to today’s topic: How to Write Legal Blogs That Attract Clients, Not Snores.

How to Write Legal Blogs That Attract Clients

How to Write Legal Blogs

Alright, let's get to it. And don't judge our use of contractions, we'll get to that; just keep reading.

Rule #1: Speak Human

First things first. Law firm blogs aim to communicate ideas efficiently and effectively to your target audience. Unless your target audience is also law grads, toss the jargon. Use plain language to explain complicated legal topics. Even throw in a pop culture reference or two if it makes sense. Imagine you're explaining a concept to your neighbor across the fence while you’re both holding BBQ tongs—clear, casual, and concise.

Rule #2: Make It Scannable

Do you remember those awful, 100-page contracts you had to go through in law school? Nobody wants to read that, especially online. Use bullet points, headings, and short paragraphs to make your text scannable. A reader should be able to skim law firm website content and get the gist. After all, time is money, and no one wants to spend either decoding your prose. Search engines even prefer things scannable.

Rule #3: Address Actual Problems

You're solving cases, not creating riddles. Your legal content should solve problems that potential clients are likely Googling in a desperate midnight search. Think along the lines of “How to File for Child Custody in New York” or “What to Do If You’ve Been in a Car Accident.” No one’s searching for “Theoretical Underpinnings of Modern Contract Law,” trust us. Offer your legal services, not your entire brain.

Rule #4: A Dash of Personality Never Hurts

Lawyers already suffer from a (somewhat undeserved) reputation of being, ahem, boring. Use your blog to show there's a relatable human behind the three-piece suit. Insert some humor, tell a short anecdote, or share a funny observation.

Rule #5: Strong CTA (Call To Action, Not "Courtroom Theatrical Antics")

So, you’ve dazzled your readers with your wit and knowledge, what next? Tell them what to do! Whether it’s a simple “Contact us for a free consultation” or “read about our legal services,” make sure to include a strong call to action. Yes, your prospective clients are grown-ups who can make their own decisions, but a nudge in the right direction never hurt anybody.

Rule #6: Consistency is Key

We know, you're busy winning cases and rocking the courtroom, but a blog is like a delicate houseplant. Neglect it, and it will wither; water it regularly, and it will flourish. Aim for at least one blog post a week. Use scheduling tools to keep the content coming.

Rule #7: Promote, Promote, Promote!

A lawyer blog that no one reads is sadder than a lawyer without a briefcase. Use social media platforms, newsletters, and even good old word of mouth to draw in prospective clients. Engage with comments and shares; make your blog a living, breathing part of your practice.

Rule #8: Use Contractions—You’re Not Writing a Supreme Court Brief

Hey, we've all been there. You're deep in "lawyer mode," and suddenly every sentence sounds like it was penned by a Victorian-era scribe. "You shall not..." "We cannot..." "They are not..."

Let's clarify: This isn't a contract or a sworn affidavit. It's a blog.

Contractions like "it’s," "you’re," "they’re," and "won’t" are not just acceptable; they're downright encouraged. Why? Because that’s how humans talk! And if you're following Rule #1 (Speak Human), then contractions are your BFFs. They make your writing more relatable, easier to read, and let’s be honest—a lot less stuffy. So go ahead, break free from your self-imposed formality. Your readers (and your new client list) will thank you for it.

Rule #9: Don’t Neglect SEO—It's the Spice in Your Blogging Curry

Ah, law firm SEO, the acronym that even some techies dread. But fear not, because SEO is less about being a computer whiz and more about knowing what your potential clients seek. This isn’t some nerdy sideshow; this is the main event, folks.

Here’s the deal: if you're writing the most dazzling, insightful, and downright revolutionary legal blog posts but neglecting SEO, you’re basically yelling into the void. What a waste of your mellifluous legal voice!

Keyword Research

First off, do some keyword research. These are the terms that people type into search engines when they're trying to solve the kinds of problems that you, in all your legal glory, can help with.

Keywords should be naturally integrated into your:

  • headings
  • subheadings
  • and body text.

Note the word “naturally”—Google has the uncanny ability to sniff out keyword stuffing like a bloodhound on a scent trail.

Don't Forget Meta Data

Secondly, make use of meta descriptions. This short summary appears under your legal blog title in search results. Make it catchy, informative, and for the love of the law, include your keyword.

Get Some Backlinks

Lastly, let’s talk about backlinks—links from other reputable sites to yours. Think of these as endorsements. The more you have from credible sources like other legal professionals, the more authoritative Google considers your site, which can lead to better rankings.

DO You Want Clients Without the Blogging Hassle? We Know Someone (*wink)

You’ve got laws to practice and cases to win. Why sweat over blogging? Let Best Law Marketing handle the keyboard magic while you do what you do best. Contact Best Law Marketing to make your blog a client magnet today. Time's ticking—let's get you those clients!

How to Write Legal Blogs: Your FAQs Answered

Ah, the frequently asked questions, or FAQs. You know, the questions that keep popping up like a Jack-in-the-Box. You're curious, eager, and want to make sure you're getting this legal blogging thing right. So, let’s delve into the FAQs of how to write killer legal blogs without the yawns or the eye-rolls.

Why Should Lawyers Even Bother Blogging?

Great question! And no, it’s not just to show off your shiny new J.D. Blogging boosts your visibility online, positions you as an authority in your field, and—here's the kicker—attracts potential clients. It’s a trifecta of benefits, baby!

What Should I Write About?

Look, we get it; the nuances of tax law get you jazzed, but your clients? Not so much. Write about what they want to know. Trending legal topics, practical advice, or even case studies make excellent posts. Think problem-solving, not navel-gazing.

How Long Should My Legal Blog Post Be?

Ah, the age-old debate. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but somewhere around 800 to 1,500 words is a good target. Too short, and you'll seem superficial. Too long, and you risk boring even the most desperate insomniac.

Can I Use Legal Jargon?

You can, but should you? Nope. Save the jargon for the courtroom and speak plain English in your blog. The point is to make complex legal issues understandable for Joe and Jane Public.

To Use Contractions or Not to Use Contractions?

Seriously, use 'em. Contractions are the comfort food of language. They make your writing more relatable and less robotic. So unless you're trying to sound like a T-1000, go for it.

How Often Should I Blog?

Weekly is ideal for posting legal blogs, but if that sends you into a spiral of overwhelm, aim for at least twice a month. Consistency is more important than frequency. Remember, a blog is not a "set it and forget it" kind of deal.

Any Tips for Making My Blog More Engaging?

Sure thing! Use a friendly tone, add humor, and break up the legal blog with subheadings, bullet points, and images or infographics. If you can make someone laugh and learn something, you’re golden. Or just call us and we'll do it for you.

Should I Share My Blogs on Social Media?

Do bears blog in the woods? (Okay, maybe they don’t, but you get the point.) Absolutely share your posts far and wide. Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook—wherever your potential clients hang out, make sure your blog is there too.

What's a CTA, and Where Do I Put It?

A CTA, or Call To Action, is your golden ticket. It tells your readers what you want them to do next. Put it at the end of your blog, and make it compelling. Something like "Ready to take control of your legal future? Click here for a free consultation."

September 4, 2023
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